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Writing as production

Forcing Forever Young


"I had been twenty years old for two and a half months, and I was wearing a gel ring on my middle finger that strobelit red, white, and blue, into the dark space below our waists.  My Teva’d feet twisted on the mud dance floor, slipping on discarded red Solo cups and paper plates seeded with quinoa grains.  The whole place smelled of horse shit and weed and unwashed human bodies bound together by sweat and the hammer-heavy bass."

Agrisol in Tanzania​​

"The colonial powers of past centuries maintained power through military force and missionary persuasion, but the neocolonial powers of the twenty-first century use economic dependency and the perceived virtues of capitalism and infrastructure, without considering that the social structures they are replacing may be more effective and sustainable."

The Road: Development in Talamanca,
Costa Rica


"In what we call the developed world, it is often taken for granted that more construction, more connection, and greater market accessibility are signs of development and improvement of a community.  However, residents of Yorkín, a Bribri community inside the Talamanca Indigenous Territory on the border of Panama and Costa Rica and previously accessible only by river, have raised strong objections to the construction of a road linking their home to the surrounding area.  "


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